March News from BFF

Hello Friends!

I wanted to give you all a quick update on March and share some plans for the coming months.

March I worked on getting my book, The Simple Homestead, printed and I added to The Quick Guide to Herbs mini guide. I now have printed copies of both and they will be available for sale in the website, and The Shoppes on Second starting April 11th!

For anyone interested in the hard copies, this first set has a few grammer errors that I found after it was printed , so I’m throwing in a FREE bath salt with those books.

This week I’m also going to have Tulip and Daffodils available for sale at The Shoppes on Second. If you would like to reserve your bouquet, message me!

March had some rough patches, then the end was pretty good. We were able to visit my family in Alabama. It was so nice to see everyone and get away for a little bit before we get busy with all the spring things around here.

What’s coming up next?

We have eggs in the incubator right now and broiler chicks in the hoop house. Hoping to get turkeys very soon. I’m hoping to get our chicken stuff done earlier this year (meat in the freezer and new layers laying sooner than years past).

We are sending 4 steers to the butcher this month and it’s time to pull the 4 calves from there mommas.

This month we also get to celebrate two birthdays, Marshall and Matthews!

Then in May I’m signed up to be a vendor at The Homestead Rendezvous on May 18th in Bergolz, Ohio. I’m excited to have my book, some flowers and herb starts along with butterflies for the kids to observe.

The guys have been preparing for a busy spring of planting on the farm.

It’s such a busy, but beautiful season we are rolling into. What are your spring plans?

I look forward to Growing Something Beautiful with you all.

Until Next Time,

Julie and the BFF Family

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