Hello !!
This week I have been thinking of my favorite gardening items and places to buy these gardening things.
So…..I thought it would be fun to share with you 5 of my favorites!
1 Garden Weasel Claw
My husband picked this tool up for me a few years ago at the local hardware store. I LOVE IT! Its so easy to use! The purpose of the garden weasel is to help remove weeds, while standing!! It has 4 diagonal prongs and a long handle. You put the prongs in the dirt and give the handle a twist. The twisting helps loosen up any weeds and dirt you may have in your garden or flower bed. Then your weeds are ready to be pulled.
2 GreenStalk Vertical Planter
This is my first season using a vertical planter and so far I am really enjoying it. The GreenStalk has 30 planting pockets for growing a variety of strawberries, vegetables, herbs and flowers. You can start seeds or put plants in it. I filled my pockets with lettuce, kale, carrots, swiss chard, and beets seeds. An added bonus is you can buy a base with wheels on it, so if you want to move it inside or outside in the spring or fall you will be able to.
3 Greenhouse Mega Store
This online store was fun to look through. They have lots of greenhouses to choose from, BUT they also have pots for your plants! I bought some containers for putting our pepper and tomato seedlings in. They also had larger Panterra Bowls that I bought and used to grow lettuce and herbs.
4 Seeds
I have a problem….I bought so many seeds for this year! I had a lot of fun looking at seed catalogs over the winter months. I ordered seeds from several places this year. In February the kids, my mom and I went to Berlin Seeds in Millersburg, Ohio. The kids had just as much fun looking and picking out seeds as Mom and I did. I will be sharing more about the seeds as the season moves on. If you get a chance to look up seeds, here is a few of the places I bought seeds from
*Seedsnow! Seedsnow.com
*Grow organic. groworganic.com
*Berlin Seed (they don’t have a website, you have to request a catalog or go to the store in Millersburg, OH) 1-877-464-0892
*Botanical Interest Botanicalinterests.com (Berlin Seed carries some varieties)
*Baker creek. Rareseeds.com
5 Nourishing Traditions By Sally Fallon
Well this technically isn’t a item you might consider for gardening. I found this book a few months ago at the library and it is on my list of books I will be buying in the near future. This book breaks down just about every food item (non-processed). It tells you all the good and bad that goes with the food and it also gives you some recipes to try. An example would be spinach. A ‘good’ thing is that it contains carotenoids, calcium and vitamin C. A ‘bad’ thing is that kids under the age of six are not able to absorb the calcium that is found in it. This is very helpful when planning your garden, especially if you have children!
I hope this list of 5 items I am finding very useful for this season is helpful for you! Here is a video I made to show each of this items.
Until Next Time,
Grace (@HarmonyFarms.Dorpers) says
Great post! I love the “top 5” format. Very helpful for the absolute beginner. Keep up the great work!
brinkerfamilyflowers says
Thank you!
Kerrie Goldwater says
I love the simple beauty of your site and all of the helpful information! I am SO doing the chicken broth using your instruction. Thanks for the great content – keep up the great work!
brinkerfamilyflowers says
Oh thank you! It’s so easy and sooo tasty! Good Luck!