I have been busy making some new products, which include cocoa butter lip balm, candles (coming soon!) and some fun new towels with our Darcy Girl on them!
Ruth from Song Bird Card Co, recently painted Darcy for me and they turned out so cute!
What do you think?
I have a few other plans for her but will be working on those over the next few months.
I am also setting up as a vendor in Carrollton, Ohio to sell most of the items I have available on the website. So if you have been thinking about ordering but are afraid they won’t make it in time for Christmas, go check out what is available over there.
The Shoppes on Second are open Thursday -Sunday, hours vary https://m.facebook.com/108208385436173/
After I get that all set up the kids and I will be cranking out cookies, pumpkin rolls, fudge and more. We like to make goodies boxes for the grandparents, along with making a meal that they can have right away or freeze for another time as Christmas gifts.
YouTube is on hold until January. I have a lot of ideas for videos but only so much time. If I find a free moment I will finish up the video I have from our EQIP Grant projects this fall. If not, that will be the first one up in January. The guys were so busy this fall wrapping up those projects. It’s amazing how much growth we have had this year!
I wish you all a BLESSED holiday season!
Until Next Time,
James 1:17
Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.