Hello Friends!
We have had a busy week in the garden! Most of our seeds are in the ground. I am feeling really good to have them planted. I seen this weekends weather is supposed to be a bit cooler (lows in the mid 40s), so I decided to NOT plant our tomatoes and peppers. I have done a good bit of research and watched YouTube videos that say peppers will get stunted and won’t be able to thrive in those cold temperatures. So, I decided to hold off planting both until next week and will be keeping them in the garage.
Our broiler chickens are almost 4 weeks old. They have been outside in a pen for about a week now. We move them once a day onto fresh grass, that way they are getting a clean area with plenty of fresh air and room to move. Plus they are eating bugs around the garden! I will be getting a scale so I can see how much they gain in the next 4 weeks. I am trying to document the process, then when they are butchered I can put together a video that explains the process and cost per chicken.
Today is Eliana’s 3rd birthday! I cannot believe she is already at this age. It’s been fun going around the yard with her. She is so interested in what we have growing and right beside me while I am tending the garden spaces.
Today we are going to plant the kids garden spaces and eat some cupcakes to celebrate Eliana.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Maybe you can plant a few seeds and eat a cupcake as well 🙂
Until next time,