About Us

My name is Julie and I thank you for stopping by! I am a wife, homeschool mom, gardener, flower lover, blogger and YouTube Creator.

Our family of 8 currently lives on 2 acres in Carroll County, Ohio. My husband and I both grew up with family farms. We understand the time and energy it takes to raise food. The knowledge we gained growing up is helping us in the choices we make to provide healthy food for our family.

Currently, we have 8 garden plots, 12 cows, 2 set of bees, 2 dogs ( Otis and Darcy), too many chickens, and LOTS of plans to expand in the future. I tend to come up with crazy ideas (like ordering chicks without a place to put them) and my husband puts together what I need (to keep those chicks alive).

My husband and I were married in 2012. When my husband married me he also gained a son, who was 5 at the time. Since then, our family has grown to 6 children, 3 girls and 3 boys.

I try to make most of our food from scratch (organic as much as possible) and my husband likes to bring home the snacks 🙂

Jesus is our Savior. We are trying to learn more and share about His love with our children.

Thank you for stopping by!


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