June Was a Busy One

June Roundup

Hello Friends,

I cannot believe we are at the first of July already! Half of our year is over!

So far we have been able to accomplish a lot and the remainder of the year is going to be just as jammed pack.

I thought it would be fun to share with everyone what we have been up to so far this year and what we have planned for the remainder of the year.

The year started out with celebrating Emilia’s 6th birthday and seed buying, seed sorting and seed planning for this year’s garden. Then as soon as the weather turned nice the guys got to work on putting up fence for our 2 cows we got.

We also had Marshall, got a puppy, Otis, and 100 chickens, 6 turkeys, celebrated Matthews bday and bought the cows Here is April’s review https://bit.ly/aprilhasbeenbusy

That was all by end of April.

May we got to work in the garden. It took about a month to get it planted ,but that’s alright. Bo built a new chicken tractor for all the meat chicks and turkeys and we celebrated Eliana’s bday.

June Bo and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We finished planting the garden, got our 2nd set of bees, trying to keep the chicks alive, (they get butchered on June 30th, yay! ) and we got a hoop house! Here is the video I published showing it. https://bit.ly/hoophouse1

Today I posted a video showing the GreenStalk and some herbs growing around the house. https://bit.ly/ytgreenstalkherbs

I think that’s all the highlights for the first 6 months

The rest of the year will be getting the hoop house set up, preserving the garden goodies, the guys are working on baling hay for the winter months and of course celebrating more birthdays .

First of the garden goodies!

The biggest thing that we will be working on is fence, water and winter housing for the cows. We applied for a grant that is going to help up set all those things up. Its going to be an exciting time growing our farm and I cannot wait to see how this all goes.

I am truly excited to see how the rest of the year turns out! And can’t wait to share it with all of you 🙂

Until Next Time,



If anyone is looking for a good summer read The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love by Kristin Kimball is my favorite. When I read it I knew I wanted to grow our own food and have a farm. Slowly but surely we getting there. I’m still hoping to get a dairy cow by the end of the year 🙂

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

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