The Simple Homestead


Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $30.00.



Hello Friends,

I had no intention of writing a book, yet here it is. Sometimes life throws us curve balls that hurt, sometimes they are a blessing in disguise and sometimes they are both.

The purpose of this book is to share with you the why. Why do I choose to cook the way I do, why do I like to make my own bath products, why do I love the garden and why community is so important.

I truly feel that everyone has the ability to Grow Something Beautiful, whether it’s gardens, animals, skills or community. We can do this together and I want to encourage you to try.

The Simple Homestead is 125 pages that includes a collection of 20 recipes, along with tips and tricks that have worked for me over the years. This book is set up in four sections, In the Kitchen, In the Home, In the Garden and In the Community

This book is to encourage you on your journey. Not every part of it will be simple. Honestly, some might be hard at first, but with time and patience I know one day it will be simple for you.

As a Thank You for your purchase, I have included A Quick Guide to Herbs. This guide includes 8 herbs that covers, benefits to uses and includes book and YouTube resources with each one. Enjoy this FREE Bonus Guide.

May You Be Blessed.

Grow Something Beautiful,

Julie and the BFF Family

*If you want a downloadable version, (not a physical copy mailed to you) check out this link for that option.*

The Simple Homestead eBook

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