Welcoming February with Sales

Hello 👋

*Check out the end of email, it’s full of links, discounts and exciting news.*

With the flip of calendar, our snow has started to melt and we are once again able to see the grass.

February on the farm will be a lot of the same, making sure the animals are fed and comfortable.

We are starting to build our list for spring projects. One of the top items on that list is starting seeds. This week I will be going through my seed collection, yes, it’s definitely a collection 😂, and deciding what and how much I will be starting. Hopefully, by the weekend I will be able to get some seeds started.

On the top of the list is peppers, snapdragons, cool weather veggies (salad greens, green onions, broccoli and cauliflower) and possibly some tomatoes. I’m hoping to get the cool weather veggies planted out in the hoop house in about 6 weeks.

I have sold Botanical Interest seeds the past couple years, but decided not to this year. You can pick out your seeds and have them mailed directly to your home by using the following link.


(I make a small commission when you use this link).

The last couple weekends I have been working on the website and now have it up to date! I’d love to hear what you think about it and what else you’d like to see.


Final bit of news

I will be offering Spring Flower CSA Subscriptions again this year. This will include 3 weeks of beautiful tulips and daffodils bouquets for you or to share with someone special.


We will be pulling steers before long to start finishing them. Up until this point they have been on a grass only diet. We like to offer grain when we are getting ready to finish them to enhance the marbling in the meat.

ALL digital products are on sale this month!

If you have thought about ordering The Simple Homestead (my book), BFF Jr Gardener – Ultimate Butterfly Class or the Family and Farm Planner now would be a good time. *THESE ARE ALL DOWNLOADABLE ITEMS, NOT PHYSICAL PRODUCTS* https://brinkerfamilyfarm.com/

Our Most exciting news is in March, we will also be welcoming a new baby to our family. We are so excited for her arrival ❤️

May you be Blessed and Grow Something Beautiful,

Julie and the BFF family

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

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